Saturday, February 10, 2007

Back On The Blog!

Welcome back, pardner!

Mommy's hernia operation went well and she's ready to get back to work! Guess what? She's going to be a public school nurse! Yay!

That means she doesn't have to work overnight anymore and she gets the whole summer off and she gets to be around lots of little kids like me! Won't that be great!

I'm going to start nursery school soon at our church and I'm looking forward to that! Hope they have lots of new toys to play with!

Daddy's busy with his ice hockey team. They had their first game of the season the other night. I hope he gets to keep all his teeth!

Grandpa has been a big help, keeping me sometimes when Mommy and Daddy need a break. We have a fun time together!

I hope you enjoy the new photos below. Some of them are funny!

Have a great weekend and I'll talk to you later!


Abbey Dawn

In My Exersaucer!

These Were Mommy's Overalls!

Me & Mommy Chillin'

I Wanna Be A Plumber When I Grow Up!

Supergirl Lands On Daddy!