Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

Howdy, Pardner!

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! We all went to see Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Dawn and Great Uncle Joe and Great Aunt Lucia. We had lots of fun!

These days, I'm spending a lot of time with my best bud, Benjamin. He lives just down the hall, but we still get so excited when we see each other! We're all about hugs and kisses these days!

Know what? I got a new haircut! It's shorter in the front and I really like it!

Are you getting excited about Christmas? Three weeks from tomorrow will be Christmas Eve! Mommy and Daddy say it'll be here before we know it, but it still seems like a long ways away to me!

We're going to go see Granddaddy and Grammy for Christmas. And I'll get to see my brand-new cousin, Morgan Anne, for the first time! Have you seen her blogsite yet? If not, surf on over to and check it out!

Well, gotta go get some shut-eye now. Hope you like the pics below. Let me know what you think!


Abbey Dawn

Skinny Dippin', Texas-Style!

Like My New 'Do?

Ain't We A Cute Couple?

Who Needs Mistletoe?

The "Fam" at Christmastime!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fly Away, Flu!

I don't feel so pretty good! We thought it was just 'cause I was getting some new teeth, but the Doc says I gots the flu! I'm too young to get the flu! (aren't I?) Oh, well, it's Tylenol and lots of rest for me!

The past month has been fun, though! First of all, Granddaddy and Grammy came to visit me for my First Birthday! Yep, I'm ONE YEARS OLD! Grammy made me a dress to wear to my party and we invited all my friends and neighbors! I had fun opening presents and eating cake! I got lots of fun toys and I want to thank all of you for them!

I'm walking pretty good now and one of my favorite things to do is to walk down the hall to the laundry room with Mommy. Pretty soon, I'll be able to go do the clothes all by myself!

Guess what! Now, I can post MOVIES on my blogsite for you to watch! Below the pictures, you can just click on the arrow and watch me going nite-nite at Grammy's house in the room where Mommy grew up! Ain't that exciting?

Anyway, I need to get some shut-eye, so I'll say goodbye for now. Thanks for stoppin' in!


Abbey Dawn

Resting Up for the BIG DAY!

Mommy and Daddy Got Me This Playhouse!

Halloween, Here I Come!

Haircut? Who...Me?

Happy Birthday to Me!

Bedtime for Abbey

Monday, September 10, 2007

Yes, Indeed, I'm Walkin'!

Howdy, Pardners!

Guess what? I'm WALKING! Not only can I get places much faster than crawling, but it saves wear and tear on my knees!

Mommy and Daddy think it's a good thing, but they're not sure. Sometimes I think they preferred the days when they could put me in one place and I'd stay there! Oh, well, there's no stopping me now!

My latest trick is opening drawers and cabinets, just to see what's inside. I've got a whole new world to explore!

I've been having fun this summer playing with my best friend, Ben and my Aunt Dawn. We even got to go see Aunt Lucia and Uncle Joe over the Labor Day weekend!

Know what? In just over three weeks, I'm going to have my FIRST BIRTHDAY! Yay! I can't wait!

In case you were wondering what to get me, I'm registered at Nordstrom and Lord & Taylor!

Ditty and Grammy are coming to see me for my birthday and we might even go to the State Fair together! I was still in Mommy's tummy last time we went, so I really don't remember much about it!

Hope you enjoy my new pictures below!

Happy Trails 'til we meet again!


Abbey Dawn

Walking Here, Walking There!

And I Can Even Stand In One Place!

Aunt Dawn and I Have Fun Together!

Smile, Uncle Joe! You're on Candid Camera!

OK, I'm Ready to Eat!

They'll Never Find Me In Here!

Me and Ben are Best Buds!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Back From The Beach!

Howdy, Pardner! Hope you're having a great summer!

Well, we had a rootin' tootin' good time at the beach! It was a long car ride down there and I thought they'd never let me out of that car seat! But I like to play peek-a-boo with the other people in the car, so the time passed quickly.

We stopped by a barbecue restaurant to get some barbecue and everybody seemed to enjoy it but me. All I got was a bottle of milk!

Once we got to the beach, it was great. I liked sitting at the water's edge and splashing in the water the best. I also got to take nap under our canopy sometimes. Cousin Jayme and I got to have our own little pool on the beach in a rubber boat. They filled it up with ocean water and we played with our toys in it.

We also got to go to a swimming pool near our condo and I was more familiar with that kind of swimming. My favorite thing to do there is to kick my feet and move up and down like a bucking bronco! Daddy says I should be swimming soon!

I especially liked hanging around with my Cousin Jayme. She's teaching me lots of stuff to do, like talking and walking and other things.

It was a fun week, but it was good to get home to the Lone Star State. Hope you enjoy the pictures below and stop by again soon!


Abbey Dawn

P.S. I didn't have enough room on this page to post all of my new photos, so click on "Older Posts" at the bottom right corner to see more!

My First Time At The Beach!

Now THIS is the LIFE!

No Fair! Everybody Gets Barbecue But Me!

Uncle Eric's So Funny!

Cousin Jayme Helped Me At Mealtime!

This is MY Granddaddy...and Jayme's, too!

Okay, What's Next?

What Big Feet You Have, Mommy!

Sunset On The Beach

Ha, Ha! Very Funny!

Playing Pat-a-Cake With Grammy!

The Gang's All Here!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's Summertime!

Howdy, Ya'll!

It's your little cowpoke, Abbey Dawn, reportin' in from the range!

We've had a busy summer so far, with lots of swimming, traveling and trying to keep cool! Hope you're having a good time, too!

Know what? On Thursday, me and Mommy and Daddy are going to fly to the coast to be with Granddaddy and Grammy! Then, we're going to the beach with them and Uncle Eric, Aunt Wendy and Cousin Jayme! I can't wait! It's going to be a long ride in the car, but it will be worth it, once we get there!

I'll post some picture when we get back. Meanwhile, here are some recent photos you might enjoy. Thanks for stoppin' by!


Abbey Dawn

Gonna Be Walkin' Soon!

I'm Comin' To Get You!

Time For A Dip In The Pool!

Me and Mommy Have Fun Together!

Like My New Dress?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

Howdy, pardners!

Hope you're having a great holiday weekend and remember to take time to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives so we could be free!

Mommy and I made a blanket for Grammy and we sent it to Virginia. I helped with the measurements while Mommy did all the sewing. You can see a picture of me helping out below.

Finally, I got Mommy to take a picture with me and Great Aunt Lucia and Great Uncle Joe! Daddy says they check out my blogsite often and it's about time we let you know what they look like! We have lots of fun together!

They came over last Sunday to my Grandpa's house and we all had turkey and brisket for dinner! Daddy and Grandpa had cut down two trees early Saturday morning and burned them all night to make a big pit of ashes and Uncle Mike & Aunt Laura, Mommy and Daddy and Uncle Carey and Aunt Lyndsey camped out all night in the back yard while the turkey cooked.

Aunt Dawn and I spent the night inside and she stayed up all night to be sure I was alright! She gave me a bottle at 6:00 in the morning! She's a great babysitter!

Know what? I got two teeth a few weeks ago! They hurt at first, but they finally came all the way through and the don't hurt anymore!

My next trick is going to be crawling. Me and my boyfriend Benjamin (he's twoweeks younger than me) get up on our knees now and have almost figured out how to start crawling! When we do, watch out! Until then, we just kind of roll around to get where we want to go. Mommy wants to be there when I start crawling, so she told Miz Sarah (my babysitter) to push me over if I start crawling when she's not there! I don't think she'll do that, though. If I crawl without Mommy there, we'll keep it a secret just between us!

Guess what? Daddy got a promotion and a raise and now he's the boss of two other people! Mommy and I are so proud of him! He works so hard for us and he deserves it!

And know what? My Aunt Christina from Virginia is spending the weekend with us and we're having a great time playing! She doesn't have to go home until Tuesday, so I can't wait to see what we're going to do until then! Granddaddy says he saw her husband, Uncle Paul, at a church cookout in Virginia tonight and he looks like he misses her. Don't worry, Uncle Paul! She'll be home, soon!

Oh, and I'm saying "Da-da" now to get Daddy's attention. He's proud of me, but Mommy wants me to start calling her name, too. Don't worry, Mommy. Pretty soon, I'll be calling you so much, you'll wish I was saying somebody else's name!

Bed time's coming! Have a great weekend and check out my pictures below!


Abbey Dawn

Helping Mommy Make Grammy's Blanket!

Everybody Say Cheese!

Great Uncle Joe and I Are Buddies!

I Love My Great Aunt Lucia!

Benjamin and Me Ready To Crawl!

I've Got Two New Toofies!

Monday, April 23, 2007

More Springtime Photos

Howdy, Pardners!

Here's some more photos for you to enjoy, taken during the warm weather we're getting now here in North Texas.

My favorite is the one where Mommy and I painted our toenails alike. We tried to get Daddy to join us, but he wouldn't do it!

They also caught me practicing for American Idol. Eat your heart out, Sanjaya!

Don't Daddy's tulips look pretty?

Mommy got a nerve block the other day to help her tummy pains and she feels a little better. She may still have to get some more shots before the pains go completely away. Keep her in your prayers!

See you later, alligator!


Abbey Dawn

Mommy, Will I Get A Ring Like That Someday?

Daddy's Funny, Ain't He?

My "American Idol" Audition!

Mommy, What Big Feet You Have!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Tax Day!

I'm not sure what taxes are, but I'm sure glad I don't have to pay them! I hope you did yours on time. Do they have a tax on diapers?

Well, we finally got some of our Easter pictures back and I've posted them for you below. One is of me on the swings and I really like to swing!

The next one is of some of my "peeps" on the hall. We've all graduated from the "Spit-Up Club" to the "Sit-Up Club" and we like this one much better!

I got to wear some bunny ears for Easter and everybody laughed when they put them on me!

I hope you're having fun this spring! Keep Mommy in your prayers because she goes to a Pain Management Specialist on Tuesday to see if he can stop her side from hurting.

Daddy says "Howdy," too!


Abbey Dawn

I'm A Real Swinger!

It's the Sit-Up Club!

Silly Wabbit!

I'm One Happy Little Girl!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Springtime in Texas!

Howdy, pardners!

Ain't the weather great! It is here in Texas and I hope it is where you are, too!

Mommy and Daddy have been taking me to swim at a heated indoor pool almost every Saturday and my favorite game is chasing the ball around the pool. I can even go under water because Daddy taught me how! He blows in my face and that makes me take a deep breath and he takes me under. I think he's just practicing for when he baptizes people! Mommy wants me to learn how to kick my feet next. But now, I'm just enjoying relaxing in my inner tube!

Guess what?! I'm eating rice cereal! Mommy and Daddy started feeding me from a spoon on Friday night and, even though it's all new to me, I think they were laughing at me! OK, so I don't know what to do with the spoon in my mouth yet and most of the cereal ends up on my chin or bib. But I'm still having fun trying to eat real food! I just get so excited when I see Mommy bringing the bowl toward me! Sometimes Daddy tries to feed me, but sometimes I think he has as much to learn about this as I do!

Daddy's still working hard here on campus, keeping everything looking so nice. The tulips he planted are just beautiful!

Grammy has taken up a new hobby called "smocking." I don't know what that is, but she sure has made some beautiful dresses for me and my cousin!

When we were visiting Cousin Jayme, Mommy went to a big church yard sale and got a backpack carrier for me. Now, she can take me shopping and she doesn't even have to hold me! That's a good thing because she's having some tummy pains near the place where her hernia operation was. Please keep her in your prayers so it will stop hurting her!

Gotta go now. Check out the photos below and thanks for stopping by!


Abbey Dawn

Now THIS is the LIFE!

Cousin Jayme Let Me Sit In Her Rocking Chair!