Monday, October 15, 2007

Fly Away, Flu!

I don't feel so pretty good! We thought it was just 'cause I was getting some new teeth, but the Doc says I gots the flu! I'm too young to get the flu! (aren't I?) Oh, well, it's Tylenol and lots of rest for me!

The past month has been fun, though! First of all, Granddaddy and Grammy came to visit me for my First Birthday! Yep, I'm ONE YEARS OLD! Grammy made me a dress to wear to my party and we invited all my friends and neighbors! I had fun opening presents and eating cake! I got lots of fun toys and I want to thank all of you for them!

I'm walking pretty good now and one of my favorite things to do is to walk down the hall to the laundry room with Mommy. Pretty soon, I'll be able to go do the clothes all by myself!

Guess what! Now, I can post MOVIES on my blogsite for you to watch! Below the pictures, you can just click on the arrow and watch me going nite-nite at Grammy's house in the room where Mommy grew up! Ain't that exciting?

Anyway, I need to get some shut-eye, so I'll say goodbye for now. Thanks for stoppin' in!


Abbey Dawn

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