Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Don't I Have a Cute Baby Sister?

Happy Veterans Day!

Howdy, pardner! I hope you'll take time out of your busy day today to say thanks to all of the men and women who have served and are serving in our armed forces to keep us free!

Me? I'm just enjoying being two years old! It's lots of fun teaching my little sister, Olivia, how to do things I learned when I was a baby. I just love her to death!

Grammy sent us some taggie blankies that she's started making and selling. There's a picture of me and Olivia with one below. She has also started making them for the babies at the hospital who are really sick. I'm so proud of my Grammy for doing that!

Did you have a fun Halloween? We sure did! Mommy made me a frog costume and a tadpole costume for Olivia! We had a Halloween parade in our building with about 50 children going up and down the halls collecting candy. I still have trouble saying "Trick or Treat," so, when it was my turn, I just said, "Happy Birthday," which I'm used to saying! And it worked! I got lots and lots of candy!

If I don't talk to you before then, have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Abbey Dawn

My Second Birthday Cake!

Me and Olivia are Best Buds!

What? Me messy?

Ribbet! Ribbet!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, howdy, pardner! Actually, my birthday was about ten days ago, but I'm just now getting around to telling you all about it! Did I mention I'm TWO YEARS OLD? Can you believe it?

Anyway, my Ditty and Grammy came to see me for my birthday and we all got to go out to Chic-Fil-A for dinner! They asked me to pick the place and that's my favorite because they have chicken nuggets there! They also have a play area and Daddy let me take off my shoes and go through the tunnels. One time, he had to climb up and get me 'cause I got stuck!

Grammy gave me some Little People to play with and Grandma gave me a Little People Princess with her own horse and carriage! Grandpa gave me a beautiful bird made out of silk! We all went to the Aboretum on my birthday where they had tons and tons of pumpkins! Grandpa bought one for me to take home. But first, we had a picnic and blew up some pretty balloons to play with. It was a beautiful day and we all had fun!

That night, Daddy had to stay home and study, but Mommy and Ditty and Grammy took me and my little sister, Olivia, to the State Fair of Texas! I got to ride on a boat ride and we saw lots of animals at the petting zoo, including zebras, camels and goats. I stuck my hand too close to an ostrich and he bit me! It scared me and Mommy, but I managed to survive. Next time you visit an ostrich, be sure to keep your hands in your pockets!

Mommy made me a Mickey Mouse cake and I had great fun eating it. I hope you like the pictures below. Thanks for visiting!


Abbey Dawn

I Like To Play At Chic-Fil-A!

Like My New Little People Toys?

Daddy Says I'm Getting SO TALL!

What's A Party Without Balloons?

Birthday Cake's The Best!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier...

Guten Tag!

Don't worry, pardner. You're on the right page! Daddy has been teaching me German along with English so I'll be able to speak both when I grow up! Isn't that wunderbar?

Well, as you might have already learned from her blogsite, Olivia's taking up most of our time these days! And, I'm still learning how to pronounce her name. Mommy says it sounds like "oh-WEE-ah" when I say it and she thinks it's cute! Anyway, I get to hold her a lot and help with her as much as I can. I even read her some of my books that I have outgrown! I think she likes it, but it's hard to tell!

Know what? I can go potty all by myself! I let Mommy know as soon as I have to go and she gets out my very own potty chair for me! They say that's pretty good, since I'm not even two years old yet!

During the day, when Daddy's gone to work, I help Mommy with her babysitting job. In addition to me and Olivia, she also keeps a little girl named Emerson from our building. When we're all awake at the same time, it's quite noisy around here! But, Mommy says she likes her stay-at-home job, anyway!

Since she doesn't have to leave our apartment to go to work anymore, I don't get to see Grandpa every Monday like I used to. But, he still visits and we get to play together, too!

I hope you like the pictures below. Gute nacht!


Abbey Dawn

Pay Attention, Little Sister!

Babysitting With Grandpa!

Mommy Has Her Hands Full!

Hey! How 'bout some Privacy!

Olivia Lets Me Hold Her!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And Then There Were Two!

Howdy, Pardners!

Since I last blogged, there's a new kid on the block! My new little sister, Olivia Jane, was born on July 8th at 3:31 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long! She even has her own blogsite!

Ditty and Grammy came down to help Mommy and Daddy during the days before and after Olivia arrived. We had lots of fun! Daddy took us over to his new office building where he works. It's right across the street from the building where we live, so we get to see him on his lunch hour and he doesn't have to work outside anymore!

We spent lots of time in the swimming pool and I showed everybody how I can go underwater by myself! I like to jump off the side and kick my legs. It helps to keep cool when you're in the pool!

Grammy read me lots of books while she was here. I think my favorite has Grover in it and it's called, "There's A Monster At The End Of This Book!" Even though I've heard it read to me lots of times and I know how it's going to end, I still like it!

Know what? When Mommy had Olivia in the hospital, Daddy gave me a brand new baby of my very own! She came with a bottle of milk and a bottle of apple juice and a little carrier to hold her in. Now, when Mommy carries Olivia around, I can carry my baby around, too!

I really love Olivia and have learned to be gentle with her. She's not as tough as I am, so I have to be careful when I'm hugging and kissing her. Grammy got me a shirt that says, "I'm the Big Sister" and a matching one for Olivia that says, "I'm the Little Sister." They're so cute!

They had to go home after a while, but they promised to come back for my birthday in October. And we're going to see them for Christmas! It'll be Santa time before you know it!

Love ya,

Abbey Dawn

How We Keep Cool In Texas!

I Got A New Baby, Too!

Ditty's Reading To Me!

Is It Morning Already?

I Love Being The Big Sister!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day, all you moms out there! We sure did!

We got to go spend the night at Grandma's house and have dinner with her and everything! (Did you know she's a mommy, too?) Then, this morning, we all went to church with her. I love her and Grandpa very much!

Today was kind of sad, too, because Uncle Mike and Aunt Laura moved down the street and we won't see them in the hallway as much as we used to. But, at least they're still nearby! Know what? They just got two little kittens! They are so cute and I got to play with them while they were moving!

Mommy called Grammy today to wish her a Happy Mother's Day and I got to talk to her and Granddaddy on the telephone! I can say my name, Da-da and Ma-ma real good now!

Last week, Mommy babysat for a two-month-old and it was so much fun! I liked to point at his toes, hands, tummy, and hair and I told Mommy what I was pointing to! Then, I pointed to MY toes, hands, tummy and hair and did it all over again! The only thing I didn't like was when the baby started crying and I didn't know what to do! My doll baby doesn't cry, no matter what happens! Anyway, I can't wait until my new baby sister, Olivia, is born in a couple of months so we can play together all the time!

Know what? My Daddy's going to be a Doctor! Mommy says he won't be the kind that works in a hospital, but he's going to go to school to get something called a PhD. I don't know what that is, but it must be a secret because every time the grownups want to keep a secret, they start spelling things instead of saying them! But, first, Daddy says he's going to take a year off from school after he gets his Master's Degree and he'll have more time to play with me! (I hope having all those degrees doesn't mean he'll have a fever!)

I hope you have a good week and I've got some room for some more Easter pictures below.

Love you!

Abbey Dawn

My Doll Baby Likes Goldfish, Too!

On Our Way To Church!

Playing With Eggs Is Fun!

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!

I'm A Good Egg!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hi, Y'all!

Abbey Dawn here, with another post!

Sure has been busy around here! Things started off with a visit from Grammy and Granddaddy. Mommy and I picked them up at the airport and it took me a little while to warm up to them. After all, I hadn't seen them since Christmas!

But, we soon hit it off and had lots of fun together! I showed them all of my new toys and my boyfriend, Benjamin came over to see us. Once, we took a day trip over to Fort Worth and I got to see some longhorn cattle go down the main street with some cowboys leading them along! I was cold when we first got there, so we bought some sweatshirts in the gift shop to keep us warm!

One night, they left me with a babysitter and Mommy took Grammy and Granddaddy to watch Daddy play ice hockey! I'm glad he didn't get hurt!

We went out to some fancy restaurants and had good food to eat. On Sunday, after church, we went to CiCi's and I got lots of pizza!

Then, they had to go back home, but I'll get to see them again in July when my baby sister, Olivia, gets born. She's due on July 10th, a week earlier than they used to think! I can't wait!

Next, came Easter and I got to go on an egg hunt and I got a bubble maker from Grandma (pictures below). I also got to wear a beautiful Easter dress!

Oh, well. Thanks for visiting my site and I hope you'll come back soon!


Abbey Dawn

P.S. I want to say "Hi" to an old friend of mine, Darcy, who lives near Grammy and Granddaddy. She likes to visit my blogsite and look at the pictures. Hi, Darcy! Hope to see you again, soon!

Like My Easter Dress?

Bubbles, Bubbles, Everywhere!

Picking Up Grammy and Granddaddy at the Airport!

Uh, I Think She Likes Me!

Who, me?

With Pretty Fort Worth Flowers

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy President's Day!

Howdy, pardner!

Hope you had a good day!

I've been having a ball, except that my ear's been hurting. But, Mommy and I are going to the hospital in the morning to get tubes put in, just like my cousin Jayme. That should do the trick!

I've got a new toddler bed and don't have to sleep in the crib anymore! Guess my new baby sister will be sleeping in there! Did you hear I'm going to have a sister in July? I just found out that she's a girl and can't wait until I get to play with her. Cousin Jayme and I will both have baby sisters! Won't that be fun?

Mommy's tummy keeps getting bigger all the time and Daddy took a picture of both of our tummies (see below). It's a funny picture!

I like to dress up like a princess and we get to go swimming at an indoor pool sometimes! I also enjoy coming down the slide at our playground!

Thanks for stopping by, but I have to get up early in the morning, so, nite-nite!


Abbey Dawn

I Like To Slide!

Swimming With Daddy

Princess Abbey!

First Photo With My Baby Sister!

Be My Valentine?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy New Year!

Howdy, pardners!

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year's! I sure did!

We went to spend the holidays with Granddaddy and Grammy and got to see all of our relatives. Christmas was a whole lot more exciting for me this year than last year!

One time, we went downtown to see all the Christmas lights and I got to sit on a bunch of lights made to look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!

We all went over to Ma's house for Christmas Eve and I got to open some presents. It was fun being with cousin Jayme and my new cousin Morgan. We had lots of fun playing together.

Then, all nine of us went back to Grammy's house and spent the night! Somehow, Santa Claus found all of us there and left lots of presents for us to open on Christmas morning!

The grownups drew names this year, so they didn't get much. Thank goodness, us kids weren't included! I got lots of nice things, but, know what?

I think the best gift I got was an announcement from Mommy and Daddy that I'm going to have a baby brother or sister next summer! Now, I can be a big sister, just like Jayme! So (unless anyone else has another announcement), we'll have TEN people for Santa to find next Christmas!

Hope you enjoy the photos below. Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!


Abigail Dawn

Riding on Rudolph!

When Does Santa Come, Grammy?

Where Do I Begin?

Cousins Jayme, Morgan and Me!

The Whole Gang at Christmas!