Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier...

Guten Tag!

Don't worry, pardner. You're on the right page! Daddy has been teaching me German along with English so I'll be able to speak both when I grow up! Isn't that wunderbar?

Well, as you might have already learned from her blogsite, Olivia's taking up most of our time these days! And, I'm still learning how to pronounce her name. Mommy says it sounds like "oh-WEE-ah" when I say it and she thinks it's cute! Anyway, I get to hold her a lot and help with her as much as I can. I even read her some of my books that I have outgrown! I think she likes it, but it's hard to tell!

Know what? I can go potty all by myself! I let Mommy know as soon as I have to go and she gets out my very own potty chair for me! They say that's pretty good, since I'm not even two years old yet!

During the day, when Daddy's gone to work, I help Mommy with her babysitting job. In addition to me and Olivia, she also keeps a little girl named Emerson from our building. When we're all awake at the same time, it's quite noisy around here! But, Mommy says she likes her stay-at-home job, anyway!

Since she doesn't have to leave our apartment to go to work anymore, I don't get to see Grandpa every Monday like I used to. But, he still visits and we get to play together, too!

I hope you like the pictures below. Gute nacht!


Abbey Dawn

Pay Attention, Little Sister!

Babysitting With Grandpa!

Mommy Has Her Hands Full!

Hey! How 'bout some Privacy!

Olivia Lets Me Hold Her!