Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you had a Happy Mother's Day, all you moms out there! We sure did!

We got to go spend the night at Grandma's house and have dinner with her and everything! (Did you know she's a mommy, too?) Then, this morning, we all went to church with her. I love her and Grandpa very much!

Today was kind of sad, too, because Uncle Mike and Aunt Laura moved down the street and we won't see them in the hallway as much as we used to. But, at least they're still nearby! Know what? They just got two little kittens! They are so cute and I got to play with them while they were moving!

Mommy called Grammy today to wish her a Happy Mother's Day and I got to talk to her and Granddaddy on the telephone! I can say my name, Da-da and Ma-ma real good now!

Last week, Mommy babysat for a two-month-old and it was so much fun! I liked to point at his toes, hands, tummy, and hair and I told Mommy what I was pointing to! Then, I pointed to MY toes, hands, tummy and hair and did it all over again! The only thing I didn't like was when the baby started crying and I didn't know what to do! My doll baby doesn't cry, no matter what happens! Anyway, I can't wait until my new baby sister, Olivia, is born in a couple of months so we can play together all the time!

Know what? My Daddy's going to be a Doctor! Mommy says he won't be the kind that works in a hospital, but he's going to go to school to get something called a PhD. I don't know what that is, but it must be a secret because every time the grownups want to keep a secret, they start spelling things instead of saying them! But, first, Daddy says he's going to take a year off from school after he gets his Master's Degree and he'll have more time to play with me! (I hope having all those degrees doesn't mean he'll have a fever!)

I hope you have a good week and I've got some room for some more Easter pictures below.

Love you!

Abbey Dawn

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